šŸ§  Bitcoin to hit $360,000

Todayā€™s email is brought to you by The Santorini Halving party - THE Bitcoin party of 2024 (you donā€™t want to miss this)

Get your ticket here.

Good morning - Arsen here. ā˜•

Welcome back to Bitcoin Therapy. The newsletter that keeps you informed AND entertained.

First, happy and relaxing Sunday to 3,793 patients reading today. šŸ‘‹ 


Thatā€™s the emotion I have as I write this intro.

All the stars are aligned for a face-melting bull run.

Also, Iā€™ve signed up for a half marathon. If you have any tips, let me know! šŸƒ

Alright, hereā€™s what I got for you this week:

  • Bitcoin to hit $360,000 (conservative estimate)

  • BlackRockā€™s degenerate Bitcoin strategy

  • Do you know the ā€˜Rule of 10 daysā€ (because you should)"?

Estimated read time: 2 minutes and 43 seconds

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BITCOIN TO HIT $360,000?

3 things in life are certain:

  1. Death

  2. Taxes

  3. Goldbugs being butthurt about Bitcoin

Inside the mysterious mind of a gold bug, Gold is somehow better than Bitcoin.

And I get them: Gold is amazing!

Itā€™s hard, heavyā€¦easy to fakeā€¦very hard to divideā€¦. and itā€™s a cool yellow color?

OK, I changed my mind: Gold sucks

BUT, Gold is still a similiar asset to Bitcoin. And by looking at Goldā€™s past performance, we can estimate how well Bitcoin will do.

Check this out: if you line up the dates when gold and bitcoin ETFs launched, you see how much potential Bitcoin has:

Gold did a ~ 6x after a gold ETF launch.

If Bitcoin does 6x at current price = $360,000 per Bitcoin

Now, I want to highlight that this is a conservative scenario:

  1. Bitcoin, unlike Gold, has absolute scarcity (which means it is physically impossible to create more Bitcoin. Gold can be mined from the ground)

  2. Bitcoin is a safe asset. I expect lots of capital to flee there as the worldā€™s fiat currencies keep melting away.

So yeah. Just add a few zeros to our estimate. Atta boy.

And before you call me crazy (I am, but not for this reason), Iā€™m not alone.

Two top Bloomberg ETF analysts, Eric Balchunas and Andre Yapp, released a bullish report.

TLDR? Bitcoin ETF will overtake Gold ETF in 2 years.

Bitcoin is like Gold but better in EVERY way. Literally.

Prepare to see gold bugs screeching and crying for the next 5 years. Itā€™s going to be glorious.



Can you feel it? Something big will happen in a few months

Correct, the Bitcoin 2024 halving - a once in a lifetime event.

But let me ask you this: Where will you be when the Halving happens?

If the answer is not ā€˜partying with bitcoinersā€™ā€¦youā€™re doing it wrong.

Thatā€™s why you HAVE TO go to the Santorini Halving Party on 12-14th April 2024 (soon).

My friend and local Greek George is the brains behind the Santorini Halving Party.

And trust me, when it comes to kick-ass events and George, youā€™re in good hands.

Hereā€™s why you should go:

  • Held in sunny Greece on a beautiful island ā˜€ļø

  • You get to play Bitcoin video games with bitcoiners (like this one)šŸŽ®

  • Educational workshops and a great lineup of speakers šŸ”Š

  • A mixology class where you get to learn to make delicious cocktails šŸ¹

  • Pizza party by the pool šŸ•

Are you feeling the FOMO yet? Good, because you should be.



Am I talking about how many more Skittles I ate this week? No.

Am I talking about those ads that promise to increase your šŸ†? No.

Am I talking about BlackRockā€™s optimal BItcoin portfolio allocation? YES.

The word on the street is that BlackRock held a private event for institutional clients.

They had a quant give a presentation about what kind of Bitcoin portfolio allocations make sense.

His suggestion? 28% Bitcoin allocation

Thatā€™s wild, considering that BlackRockā€™s clients are conservative institutions

I have a feeling I know who this ā€œquantā€ was:

OK, Iā€™m joking. Not about the event, though. It did take place.

I dont know about you, but a 28% allocation is ridiculous to me. The quantā€™s math was off by about 72%!

OK, letā€™s entertain this idea: 28% allocation = $2.8 Trillion of BlackRockā€™s AUM (assets under management).

Thatā€™s a lot of $$$ flowing to the BlackRock Bitcoin ETF.

Do you hear the bulls? Theyā€™re near.

Never mind, that was my belly.


Iā€™m a big proponent of Bitcoin DCA.

It takes away all emotion from your saving.

And most importantly, it allows you to benefit from ā€œRule of 10 Best Daysā€.

Whatā€™s that? I'm glad you asked!

Hereā€™s how it works:

  • Most of Bitcoin returns happen in 10 days

  • And if you miss those days, you miss most of Bitcoin returns

Hereā€™s an example:

*whips out calculator*

  1. Look at Bitcoin for the past 5 years

  2. Remove the top 5 days with the biggest returns

  3. Total bitcoin returns drop from 348% ā€”>83%

AND if you remove the top 10 days, the returns go from 348% ā€”> 10% loss

Thatā€™s wild.

What YOU need to know is this has been happening since 2013.

And itā€™s happening again:

So, whatā€™s the lesson here? Stop trying to time the market.

If you think you can time 10 days out of 365, please slap yourself.

Itā€™s really that simple. Just buy weekly and hodl that sh*t.


  • Coinbase goes down as Bitcoin pumps (this is how you know the bull market is officially here)

  • Relai launches Lightning Wallet on Product Hunt. If you want to help us, here is how šŸ’™

  • Wall Street giant Morgan Stanley plans to get into Bitcoin ETF (pump my bags!)



Kev knew.


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  • BitBox - One of my favorite hardware wallets on the market. Swiss-made, 100% open source, and a pretty cool team. Get 5% off all purchases by using the code ā€˜BTCTHERAPYā€™

  • Relai - Iā€™m a big proponent of Bitcoin DCA. I use Relai (I also work there). If youā€™re in Europe, use my code BAGGINS for 0.5% lower fees.

  • Satsback - Earn Bitcoin on your online purchases. Just install their extension, and it will tell you every time you can earn free sats.

  • CryptoCloaks - These guys have all the cool sh*t you need want. They make 3D-printed cases for your hardware wallet and node, merch, and stickers. Anything you want - CryptoCloaks got them.

  • Start9 - Now, if you want to be self-sovereign and use Bitcoin correctly, you MUST run a Bitcoin node. Start9 is my go-to recommendation for users of all levels. Use the code BTCTHERAPY for 9% off your Bitcoin node.

  • Konsensus Network - The best way to orangepill your fam? Bitcoin Books! Konsensus Network has the best selection of iconic Bitcoin classics (in multiple languages, too). Get 10% off your books by using my link.

*These are affiliate links, which means I earn a few sats when you buy from them. I personally use or have used all of these tools

Thatā€™s it for this oneā€”big thanks to Santorini Halving Party who allow us to write Bitcoin Therapy. You support us by supporting them ā¤ļø

This newsletter isn't free. The ONLY payment I want is for you to share this email with a bitcoiner.

It only takes 5 seconds, but it means the world to me. Thanks!

See you next Sunday,

Bitcoin Therapy Team


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