šŸ§  The world is an unjust place

Todayā€™s email is brought to you by Yzer - a free and fun Bitcoin education app.

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Good morning - Arsen here. ā˜•

Welcome back to Bitcoin Therapy. Weā€™re like jelly to your peanut butter sandwich. Without us, it just feels wrong.

First, happy and relaxing Sunday to 5,381 patients reading today. šŸ‘‹ 

I hope youā€™ve recovered from Easter (chocolate overload).

My friends over at Stamp Seed made this cool Bitcoin Metal Stamp.

This is not advice, but you can now go stamp Bā€™s on your local bankā€™s metal surfaces. šŸ¤­

Alright, hereā€™s what I got for you this week:

  • The infamous Silk Road founder turns 40 (in jail) šŸ‘®

  • This countryā€˜s bold Bitcoin bet is massively paying off

  • Bitcoin is dumping - you can blame the traders šŸ“‰

Estimated read time: 2 minutes and 40 seconds

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Alright, letā€™s Bitcoinā€¦


Ross Ulbricht. A name you should never forget.

Ross is a legend who launched the legendary Bitcoin marketplace ā€œThe Silk Road.ā€

It was a place where you could buy anything. Yes, anything.

Drugs, weapons, pokemon cards, you name it.

Hereā€™s how big it was:

  • Launched when Bitcoin was $0.50

  • Accounted for 20% of all BTC volume

  • In 2012, it processed $20 million (1.8M) in trade volume

  • Rossā€™ personal wallet contained 144,000 BTC, making him one of the largest holders of Bitcoin in history

Long story short, Ross was caught and sent to prison.

His sentence? 2x life.

His crime? He created a website where people could freely trade whatever they wanted.

You donā€™t need to be a lawyer to see it doesnā€™t add up:

  1. Sam Bankman-Fried stole billions of customersā€™ money = 25 years in prison

  2. Ross created a marketplace = 2x life sentence

Unfortunately, Ross made 1 big mistake: he didnā€™t pay the politicians.

What makes it even more sad is that Ross didn't do it for the money. He did it for ideological reasons.

Rossā€™s dream was to take power from the state and give it back to the people. He was a libertarian nerd who just wanted more freedom in the world.

The world is an unjust place.

If you can, please support Ross here.



Thatā€™s the key to Bitcoin adoption. As you mightā€™ve noticed, education is essential to me. I always try to have a good mix of humor and knowledge.

Thatā€™s why I use Yzer - a free and fun Bitcoin education app.

Hereā€™s why you HAVE TO try it out:

  • You earn free sats for completing lessons (free sats = best sats)

  • Itā€™s bite-sized lessons on the go (ainā€™t nobody got time to read a 4000-word blog post)

  • Perfect for both beginners and advanced learners

Iā€™ve used Yzer for a while now and can 100% vouch for them. You can install Yzer on both Android and iOS.

Use referral code RY6FLD9 to get 50 sats in your Yzer app! ā¤ļø


If you told me in 2017 that countries would be stacking sats, Iā€™d slap you (with love).

Well, fast forward to today, the president of a sovereign nation:

  • Is publicly dunking on central bankers āœ…

  • Has bought $400M worth of Bitcoin (and wants to buy more) āœ…

  • Posts on social media every time he buys more āœ…

While this perfectly describes me (minus the $400M part), your boy has nothing to do with it.

Of course, Iā€™m talking about El Salvador president Nayib Bukele, also known as ā€˜El Presidente.ā€™

The best part? We can now verify that Bukele is telling the truth after he publicized the countryā€™s Bitcoin address.

Take a look at the address.

See anything weird?

Correct, the amount of BTC El Salvador has moved out from this address is a big fat 0. Nil. Cero.

El Salvador, the land of pupusas, white beached and diamond hands. šŸ’ŽšŸ™Œ

I love this timeline, lol.


Yo mama just got liquidated!

No, getting liquidated is not when youā€™re well hydrated.

Itā€™s when traders borrow money to trade Bitcoin and then lose it.

And that is exactly what happened this week:

  1. 140,000 traders were liquidated this Tuesday alone

  2. Total damage? $500M


Turns out there are a lot of degenerate traders in Bitcoin.

So, what did Bitcoin do? It tanked -15%.

What should you do? Nothing.

This is nothing new for Bitcoin.

Bitcoin always corrects before the halving. Check this out:

Black line: halving dates

15% is nothing compared to what Bitcoin veterans have seen in the past.

While volatility is decreasing, itā€™s not going anywhere anytime soon.

This is good. Volatility is the price you pay for generational wealth.


  • $2B Silk Road Era Bitcoin seized by DOJ is on the move šŸ‘€

  • Ark Invest recommends a 19% Bitcoin portfolio allocation. My thoughts? The recommendation is off by 81%

  • Bitcoin Price prediction by Morgan Creek Capital CEO: $150,000 by the end of the year.


Bitcoin is not gambling; itā€™s simple math.


Silk Road in 2011.

Fancy a puff for 150 BTC?



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  • Relai - Iā€™m a big proponent of Bitcoin DCA. I use Relai (I also work there). If youā€™re in Europe, use my code BAGGINS for 0.5% lower fees.

  • Satsback - Earn Bitcoin on your online purchases. Just install their extension, and it will tell you when you can earn free sats.

  • CryptoCloaks - These guys have all the cool sh*t you need want. They make 3D-printed cases for hardware wallets, nodes, merch, and stickers. Anything you want - CryptoCloaks got them.

  • Start9 - If you want to be self-sovereign and use Bitcoin correctly, you MUST run a Bitcoin node. Start9 is my go-to recommendation for users of all levels. Use the code BTCTHERAPY for 5% off your Bitcoin node.

  • Konsensus Network - The best way to orangepill your fam? Bitcoin Books! Konsensus Network has the best selection of iconic Bitcoin classics (in multiple languages, too). Use my link to get 10% off your books.

*These are affiliate links, which means I earn a few sats when you buy from them. I personally use or have used all of these tools

Thatā€™s it for this oneā€”big thanks to Yzer who allow us to write Bitcoin Therapy. You support us by supporting them ā¤ļø

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It only takes 5 seconds, but it means the world to me. Thanks!

See you next Sunday,



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