šŸ§  This industry is a joke

Todayā€™s email is brought to you by Wasabi Wallet - a Bitcoin wallet thatā€™s both private AND user-friendly (yes, thatā€™s possible)

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GM - Arsen here. ā˜•

Welcome back to Bitcoin Therapy.

First, happy and relaxing Sunday to 2,743 patients reading today. šŸ‘‹ 

Itā€™s been 9 months since I started this newsletter. I never expected so many of you to read my ramblings and bad jokes šŸ§”

Alright, hereā€™s what I got for you this week:

  • XRP ETF is hereā€¦except itā€™s not

  • Swedish bitcoiners are physically targeted. Thanks government!

  • Bitcoin is getting ready to pamp

Estimated read time: 2 minutes and 53 seconds


So, letā€™s talk about XRP. Hereā€™s a list of things the eggs-are-pee army DOESNā€™T have:

  • Brains

  • Girlfriends

  • and XRP ETFā€¦

ā€¦or do they? Hereā€™s what happened: a new ā€˜iShares XRP Trustā€™ was registered in Delaware.

Here are the deets:

  • Submitted under BlackRockā€™s name

  • It included their address, the executiveā€™s name, their dogā€™s name, everything

  • Every crypto news outlet jumped on this ā€œbReaKiNg nEwSā€

The result? The price of XRP pumped 14% within 30 minutes.

The XRP community (all 3 of them) was filled with joy and hopium: BlackRock is filing for an XRP ETF (just like they did with a BTC ETF)

The issue? This was fake news.

BlackRock never filed for a XRP ETF.

Someone else did and used BlackRockā€™s name. Lmao.

ā€œSo, who did it then?ā€

No idea. But whoever it was, they made A LOT of money:

  1. Buy a ton of XRP

  2. File the paperwork for the fake ETF

  3. Wait for the XRP price to pump

  4. Profit

Am I the only one surprised by how easy it is to file a fake application? Doge ETF incomingā€¦

Anyways. The fake news spread fast thanks to ā€œcredibleā€ news outlets who farm engagement instead of deleting the fake headlinesā€¦

This industry is a joke. Burn it all down.


Thereā€™s a disturbing new trend in Sweden: bitcoiners are targeted by criminals.

Hereā€™s the latest case:

  • A middle-aged Swedish couple was tied up in their home and robbed by 4 masked men

  • They were physically abused and threatened with their kitchen knives

  • The couple were tied up for hours, and one had to be escorted to the hospital on a helicopter

And this is not a one-off case. Just last month, two more bitcoiners were assaulted and robbed.

How did it get so bad? Well, you can find anyone's address in Sweden just by googling. šŸ¤”

This is part of the ā€˜offentlighetsprincipenā€™ laws, which allow ANYONE to access personal information such as addresses and tax records.

That crazy guy you see every time you go to work? Yup, he knows where you live.

Hereā€™s how criminals use this info:

  1. Find people who publicly talk about their Bitcoin holdings

  2. Figure out from tax record how much they paid in capital gains taxes

The result? An easy $5 wrench attack (53 Swedish Krona wrench attack doesnā€™t sound as good)

And whose brilliant idea was this? Yup, the Swedish government.

The people you pay to protect youā€¦are the ones putting you at huge risk.

ā€œYouā€™re a convicted murderer? Welcome to my house! Oh, and hereā€™s how much money I made this year. Youā€™re welcome, brother.ā€

Hereā€™s how to protect yourself from these attacks:

  • Donā€™t move to Sweden

  • Donā€™t talk publicly about Bitcoin (Iā€™m guilty of this)

  • Use seed phrase + passphrase, and donā€™t keep them in the same place

  • Coinjoin your bitcoin with Wasabi

Oh, and f*ck you, Swedish government. šŸ–•


Itā€™s 2023. Everything you do is being monitored.

That one time you ran out of toilet paper and had to choose between your socks and a T-shirt? Yup, they saw that too.

You canā€™t undo that incident but can achieve Bitcoin privacy by coinjoining your BItcoin.

This blog explains why itā€™s essential for keeping your Bitcoin private and thus SAFE.

I recommend Wasabi Wallet for this. Hereā€™s why:

  1. Beginner friendly

  2. Privacy by default

  3. No minimum coinjoin amounts

What are you waiting for? Take back control of your privacy and freedom.

Join 500,000+ Wasabi users by downloading it at wasabiwallet.io


Yeah, sex is cool but have you seen these 2 bullish Bitcoin stats?

  1. 80% of ALL Bitcoin addresses are in profit

This is up from 50% of addresses in profit at the beginning of the year.

Girlfriends, hello.

Oh, and to my boss reading this: I quit.

Bye Felicia!

  1. Bitcoin available supply is at an all-time low

Quick fax:

  • 68% of BTC hasnā€™t moved in over one year

  • 30% of BTC hasnā€™t moved in over 5 years

Hereā€™s why:

  • Institutional interest

  • 2024 Halving anticipation (āˆ¼21 weeks left, yay!)

  • Bitcoin decoupling from stocks and bonds (seen as safe haven asset)

  • Growing adoption

  • My $50 weekly DCA plan at Relai (Iā€™m doing my part!)


Iā€™m not bullish. Youā€™re bullish.

It all makes sense. The future of the world is uncertain.

Money is disintegrating.

People are waking up to Bitcoin.


  • Two ex-FTX execs (try saying that quickly 5 times) are starting a new exchange called ā€˜Backpack Exchangeā€™ (because thatā€™s where theyā€™ll be hiding user funds)

  • Crypto exchange Poloniex hacked for $114M. The owner, Justin Sun, is promising a 5% bounty for returning the funds (por favor seƱor, mi familia..)

  • Our friends at Yzer are giving away 500k sats. All you have to do is open the app and, complete the game's night lessons + finish the quiz you receive via email.

  • Say hello to Bitstream. You can now host your files on Bitcoin.


Either yā€™all are rich or Iā€™m poor šŸ¤·


When youā€™re feeling dumb, just remember that in 2012 someone paid 1.6 BTC for this picture of Michael Jackson with tits on a cracker.


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Thatā€™s it for this one. Big thanks to our sponsor Wasabi Wallet who allow us to write Bitcoin Therapy.

If you like what you read, please reply to this to this email (it helps with email deliverability). And if you donā€™t, you can unsubscribe below.

See you next Sunday,

Bitcoin Therapy Team

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