šŸ§  We're at the 'then they fight you' stage

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GM - Arsen here!

Welcome back to Bitcoin Therapy.

First, happy and relaxing Sunday to 2,602 patients reading today. šŸ‘‹ 

A bunch of you subscribed after seeing this Trezor giveaway on X. The winner has been contacted (you know who you are). Welcome new readers!

Also, Iā€™m in the middle of moving houses. This weekā€™s email is brought to you by my 2 Mbps mobile hotspot connection.

Alright, hereā€™s what I got for you this week:

  • The SEC trolls everyone on Halloween

  • Fed is suing Bitcoin Magazine for hurting their feelings

  • Itā€™s game over for SBF - guilty on all 7 charges

Estimated read time: 3 minutes and 11 seconds


Gary Genslerā€™s salary is paid with taxpayer money. YOUR money.

Now, you would assume Gary is working hard for your his money. Stuff like:

  • Approving the ETF

  • Establishing clear regulations for Bitcoin services

  • Going after frauds and Ponzi schemes

But no, he is doing none of that. Instead, Gary is having the time of his life shitposting on X:

No need to double-check if this is a troll account. I already did that.

Here are the 3 main takeaways from his tweet:

  • Calls crypto projects securities

  • Points out how Bitcoin is unique and has an immaculate conception

  • He loves his dad jokes

Iā€™m sure Gary is really proud of his Tweet, lol. He is been wanting to tweet this for ages. Halloween was the perfect opportunity to spook cryptards who peddle unregistered securities to retail investors.

Iā€™m starting to like this new Garyā€¦

The perfect Halloween costume doesnā€™t exi-

And Gary pls, just approve the damn ETF.

Remember, kids: itā€™s Bitcoin, not crypto.


As you mightā€™ve noticed, education is essential to us here at Bitcoin Therapy. We always try to have a good mix of humor and knowledge.

This is why weā€™re excited to introduce our new sponsor. Meet Yzer - a free and fun Bitcoin education app.

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  • You earn free sats for completing lessons (free sats = best sats)

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Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to late-stage central banking.

Itā€™s clear now that Bitcoin is in its ā€œthen they fight youā€ stage. And itā€™s hilarious to see.

Hereā€™s what happened:

  1. Bitcoin Magazine launched a satirical merchandise line making fun of FEDā€™s CBDC ā€˜FedNowā€™

  2. The Fed got their panties in a twist and sent a cease and desist letter to BM over copyright infringement

BMā€™s response: GFY

An absolute Chad move from BM. Whoever wrote this needs a raise ASAP.

This is hilarious on many levels. Fed claims they have built up 'substantial goodwill' in an 'invaluable assetā€

In fact, the Fed has built so much goodwill that the most popular song of 2023 was about how "your dollar ain't shit.ā€

FedNow? More like FedLmao

Anyway, hereā€™s what Iā€™m going to do about this:

  1. Send the Fed a cease and desist letter back for money printing

  2. Buy me some FedNow merch from BM

Anyways. This is not about the merch or copyright infringement. This is about censoring the warnings of CBDC and a dystopian future.

The central bank is your daddy. And you are their digital slave.

Unless you have Bitcoin, of course. šŸ¤


Itā€™s finally over.

All the evidence has been presented. All witnesses have testified. All the memes have been posted.

The trial of the century is officially over.

The Verdict: SBF found guilty on all 7 charges and faces up to 115 years in prison.

And since SBF liked playing with leverage, I think itā€™s only fair for him to have the option to 10x leverage his sentence (1,150 years).

But the real question: Will the dirty politicians who accepted his bribes have to pay it back?

I doubt it. Letā€™s not forget that SBF operated "the safe and regulated" exchange. And not a single regulator caught and prevented the FTX fiasco.

Just think about it:

  • SBF donated to over 40% of Congress (of customer funds)

  • Shooke hands and rubbed shoulders with the political crĆØme de la crĆØme

  • Several of Gary Gensler's old cronies worked for FTX

  • Gensler met SBF privately

SBF would have never escaped without capturing part of the US political apparatus.

So far, only a few politicians returned the ā€œdonations.ā€

And because the mainstream media will never report on this, here is the complete list of everyone who has received funds from SBF šŸ‘‡

Also, letā€™s not forget the likes of Kevin Oā€™Leary and Bill Ackman, who tried hard to defend this fraud.

Never forget.

Now, let me address you directly now, Sammy. Can I call you that? Cool, I know youā€™re reading this. I only have one advice for you: donā€™t drop the soap.

Anyways. Itā€™s good to have a closing to this sh*tshow.

Can we please continue the bull market now?


  • The SEC charges SafeMoon founders and executives for a $200 million fraud. Instead of working, they were buying McLarenā€™s.

  • Bitcoin hits an ATHā€¦in Argentina, Nigeria, and Turkey (brrrrrrrr doing its job)

  • UK officials can now legally seize your BTC without conviction (UK = sh*tcoin)



Narrator: it did


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Thatā€™s it for this one. Big thanks to our sponsor Yzer who allows us to write Bitcoin Therapy.

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See you next Sunday,

Bitcoin Therapy Team

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